This listing explains the usage of every Pony keyword.
Keyword | Usage |
actor | defines an actor |
as | conversion of a value to another Type (can raise an error) |
be | behavior, executed asynchronously |
box | default reference capability – object is readable, but not writable |
break | to step out of a loop statement |
class | defines a class |
compile_error | will provoke a compile error |
continue | continues a loop with the next iteration |
consume | move a value to a new variable, leaving the original variable empty |
do | loop statement, or after a with statement |
else | conditional statement in if, for, while, repeat, try (as a catch block), match |
elseif | conditional statement, also used with ifdef |
embed | embed a class as a field of another class |
end | ending of: if then, ifdef, while do, for in, repeat until, try, object, lambda, recover, match |
error | raises an error |
for | loop statement |
fun | define a function, executed synchronously |
if | (1) conditional statement |
(2) to define a guard in a pattern match | |
ifdef | when defining a build flag at compile time: ponyc –D "foo" |
in | used in a for in - loop statement |
interface | used in structural subtyping |
is | (1) used in nominal subtyping |
(2) in type aliasing | |
iso | reference capability – read and write uniqueness |
lambda | to make a closure |
let | declaration of immutable variable: you can't rebind this name to a new value |
match | pattern matching |
new | constructor |
object | to make an object literal |
primitive | declares a primitive type |
recover | removes the reference capability of a variable |
ref | reference capability – object (on which function is called) is mutable |
repeat | loop statement |
return | to return early from a function |
tag | reference capability – neither readable nor writeable, only object identity |
then | (1) in if conditional statement |
(2) as a (finally) block in try | |
this | the current object |
trait | used in nominal subtyping: class Foo is TraitName |
trn | reference capability – write uniqueness, no other actor can write to the object |
try | error handling |
type | to declare a type alias |
until | loop statement |
use | (1) using a package |
(2) using an external library foo: use "lib:foo" | |
(3) declaration of an FFI signature | |
(4) add a search path for external libraries: use "path:/usr/local/lib" | |
var | declaration of mutable variable: you can rebind this name to a new value |
val | reference capability – globally immutable object |
where | when specifying named arguments |
while | loop statement |
with | ensure disposal of an object |